In almost every modern-day gas fireplace (with the exception of electronic ignition systems) there will be a pilot light that needs to be lit for the fireplace to work. The pilot light is the starting point and the most important part of the entire fireplace system.
There are three scenarios that can occur with your pilot light. Please click on the links below to guide you to the corresponding tutorial.
May 26, 2012
Love your blog, in fact arrived by checking yahoo and google for a comparable issue to this post. Which means this might be a late post nevertheless keep up the great work.
February 18, 2013
I have been unsuccessful in finding a part for my gas fireplace. I need an electric ignitor switch. I have removed the one that was melted. It’s a Heatilator Model #ND4236, Serial #GAI268793 and the number stamped on the part is #RV381. Can you help me? It is a simple five minute job which I can do myself so I am hesitant to to call in a professional. Can you help me to locate the part? Any help will be appreciated.
February 19, 2013
I think I have one. I’ll send you an e-mail to confirm.
July 25, 2013
The ignitor melted on my heatilator ND4236 the part # is RV381 / I cant find this part , any suggestions